



It is the season for being thankful and anticipating family celebrations and a new year. 我们在爱达荷州扩展大学 4-H Youth Development wish you a very happy holiday season and that you can celebrate your individual holiday safely with family and friends.

由于COVID-19的限制,今年是艰难的一年, 尤其是积极的青少年发展项目,比如 4-H. 大部分的成功 4-H brings to young people comes from the long-term positive relationships that youth develop with caring adults. 由于面对面的会议受到限制,这变得很困难.

4-H Matters newsletter explores the resilience of teens during the pandemic and innovative county-based 项目 that celebrate the independent thinking of county faculty and staff.

和往常一样,如果你有问题或想法 4-H 在爱达荷州,请给我们发电子邮件 fourh@hwanfei.com.


Throughout Idaho, UI 扩展 faculty 成员 help young people learn skills in food preparation. 现在有一个转折, 青少年使用速溶锅为家人做饭(PDF).



双瀑布县的年轻人正在钻研解剖学. 阀杆技能对我们年轻人的未来仍然很重要, though public-school systems have reduced hands-on learning because of online teaching and budget reductions that affect all areas of schools. 我们创新的解剖项目补充了学校的学习. 探索涉猎解剖(PDF).

五个年轻人用尖锐的工具探测海星. 的 youth wear gloves, while the starfish pinned to a tray and slit open.


2020年5月,国家 4-H Council commissioned a poll to assess the resilience of teens (13-19 years old) to cope with the current coronavirus pandemic. 超过1500名青少年参与了调查,其中15%的人认为自己 4-H 成员. Not surprisingly, teens are very concerned about their current mental health and well-being. 的 青少年心理健康 (PDF) report presents multiple indicators of teens’ stress but also of how resilient teens feel. 4-H youth development can play a role in improving teen coping skills during stressful times and their overall resilience. 毕竟,UI扩展 4-H Youth Development has been developing capable teens for over 100 years.

青少年心理健康 报告询问青少年他们是适应力强还是没有适应力. 68%的青少年自认为具有适应力, 选择“我认为自己很有韧性。.“弹性青少年的两个关键方面是:

  • 不太可能做消极的事情 健康行为 as coping 机制 or experience mental health issues (such as anxiety and depression) during the pandemic.
  • 更有可能 与他们的同龄人交谈 about mental health in person or on social media and be able to identify and 寻找积极的应对方式 机制.

主要调查结果(PDF) 报告中包括:

  • Most teens (81%) say mental health is a “significant issue for young people in the U.S.” and 64% believe “the experience of COVID-19 will have a lasting impact on their generation's mental health.”
  • 韧性较差的青少年似乎在挣扎, 报告更频繁地感到焦虑和抑郁, as well as a stronger struggle with ambiguity and pressure from others to hide their feelings.
  • Resilient teens report higher levels of confidence solving their own mental health struggles, 同时也帮助别人克服困难. 的y also feel more equipped to tap into support networks than their non-resilient counterparts.
  • All teens are craving more communication with 65% of teens saying their family rarely talks about mental health issues, while 58% wish they had more outlets to talk about how they are feeling.

Resilient teens look for outlets to balance their stress and anxiety with their well-being. 健康y coping 机制 include doing something creative, exercising more and talking to someone. 青少年正在寻找支持朋友的方法. Sixty percent indicated that they “let my friends and peers know I am available to talk to if they need someone.” And 43% “followed or supported someone on social media who has openly talked about their mental health issues.”

4-H 青少年们表明了他们的优势,他们也分享了他们的担忧. 4-H他们的行为很可能是向心理健康慈善机构捐款, 加入心理健康俱乐部和在线社区, 并倡导精神健康立法. However, they also shared that during the pandemic, they have felt anxious or depressed due to:

  • 27%的人担心基本必需品用完 4-H“人与. 20%非 4-H的人.
  • 失去正常和常规- 40% 4-H“人与. 32%非 4-H的人.
  • 取消课外活动,工作,实习,44%的 4-H“人与. 32%非 4-H的人.

4-H in Idaho is listening and helping to find mental health resources for youth and families. 我们在前进, focusing our healthy living efforts on the body and mind incorporating these actions:

  • 赞助的问题, 说服, Refer (QPR) online training at no cost to our UI 扩展 personnel and 4-H 志愿者和任何与青少年一起工作的人. 的 one-hour QPR training provides innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention strategies. 请填写以下表格,开始注册程序: 请填写以下表格,开始注册程序: http://uidaho.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6eRrE4ykkGbvuVT.
  • 鼓励年轻人练习正念, 这意味着有意识地思考, 运动和动作. Using mindfulness strategies may help young people relax and improve well-being throughout the day. 4-H正念资源和课程可以在我们的网站上找到.
  • 提倡睡眠时间 4-H 周末聚会、露营和会议. We are educating teens that sleep is not optional, but a requirement to be their best.
  • 综合运动的包括体力活动或运动的 4-H 聚会.
  • 提供营养丰富的零食和正餐 4-H 聚会. Taking time to create a reasonable activity budget that supports nutritious foods is the best step, 而不是假设水果, 蔬菜, 全谷物, 低脂乳制品和蛋白质是负担不起的.

了解更多关于爱达荷州健康生活的努力, 给Maureen Toomey发邮件, 地区拓展教育工作者, at mtoomey@hwanfei.com

(请参阅PDF以获取完整的信息图.心理健康是美国年轻人的一个重要问题.S. 10个青少年中有7个正在经历挣扎.


It is a frightening reality that Idaho is currently one of five western states leading the U.S. 自杀率. Over 30% of Idaho’s youth in grades 9-12 report experiencing feelings of hopelessness or having suicidal thoughts. UI扩展 4-H Youth Development program has teamed with the Idaho Department of 健康 and Welfare to bring QPR training to all 4-H 志愿者遍布全州. QPR(提问, 说服, Refer) Gatekeeper training is designed to teach the warnings signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond.

任何 4-H 志愿者可以投入一个小时,帮助拯救一条生命. 4-H 志愿者可以 现在注册,免费.




我从爱达荷州开始 4-H as a Cloverbud when I was six years old and am looking forward to being a 4-H 终身会员. 在爱达荷州 4-H, I have learned all about the world around us: the branches of government, 社区服务的好处和宝贵的领导技能.

这是我在爱达荷州学到的最好的东西之一 4-H 回馈社区的方式有这么多吗. 这 year, I am planning community service experiences for my club, 山景城 4-H.

支持爱达荷州 4-H significantly impacts transformational 项目 like 了解你的政府, 领导 NOW!,并支持该州各地当地俱乐部的活动.

你的礼物,无论大小,对爱达荷州来说都是不同的 4-H 像我这样的成员. 请考虑 重申你对 4-H 项目 今天.


山景城 4-H



玛丽E. 福尼大厅

莫斯科,ID 83844-3015



电子邮件: fourh@hwanfei.com

网络: 4-H青年发展
